
  • Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Fernandez, Juan and Dácil Juif (2023). “Does Abortion Liberalization Accelerate Fertility Decline? A Worldwide Time-Series Analysis. ” Accepted at European Journal of Population. 

Juif, Dácil, and Garrido, Sergio (2023). “Living Standards of Copper Mine Labour in Chile and the Central African Copperbelt Compared, 1920s to 1960s”, Economic History of Developing Regions, 38(2): 117-150.

Juif, Dácil, Baten, Joerg, and Pérez-Artés, Mari Carmen (2020). “Numeracy of Religious Minorities in Spain and Portugal during the Inquisition Era”, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 38(1), 147-184.

Juif, Dácil and Gloria Quiroga (2019). “Do you have to be tall and educated to be a migrant? Evidence from Spanish recruitment records, 1890-1950”. Economics and Human Biology, 34(C), 115-124.

Juif, Dácil and Frankema, Ewout (2018). “From coercion to compensation: institutional responses to labour scarcity in the Central African Copperbelt.” Journal of Institutional Economics, 14(2), 313-343.

Alexopoulou, Kleoniki, and Dácil Juif (2017). “Colonial State Formation Without Integration: Tax Capacity and Labour Regimes in Portuguese Mozambique (1890s-1970s)”. International Review of Social History, 62(2), 215-252.

Juif, Dácil (2015). “Skill Selectivity in Transatlantic Migration: The Case of Canary Islanders in Cuba”. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 33(2), 189-222.

Baten, Jörg, and Dácil Juif (2014). “A Story of Large Land Owners and Math Skills: Inequality and Human Capital Formation in the Long-Run Development, 1820-2000”. Journal of Comparative Economics, 42(2), 375-401.

Juif, Dácil, and Jörg Baten (2013). “On the Human Capital of ‘Inca’ Indios before and after the Spanish Conquest: Was there a ‘Pre-Colonial Legacy’?”. Explorations in Economic History, 50(1), 227–241.

  • Book chapters

Alexopoulou, Kleoniki, and Dácil Juif (2024). Labour Transformations in Central and Southern Africa from Colonial to Postcolonial Times. Forthcoming in: Bhambra, Gurminder et al. (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Global Sociology, London: SAGE.

Juif, Dácil (2023). “African Agency versus State and Capital Control: Migration to the British Northern Rhodesian Copperbelt in Comparative Perspective, 1920s to 1960s (Chapter 9)”. Forthcoming in: Hoerder, Dirk, and Neissl, Lukas (Eds.), Migrant Actors Worldwide, Amsterdam: Brill.

Juif, Dácil (2022). “Migration and Stabilization: Mining Labor in the Belgian Congo, Northern Rhodesia, and South Africa”. In: de Haas, M. and Frankema, E. (Eds.), Migration in Africa. Shifting Patterns of Mobility from the 19th to the 21st Century, London: Routledge. ISBN: 9781003225027.

 Juif, Dácil (2019). “Paternalism, profitmaking and African agency: Mining and the spread of education in the Belgian Congo”. In: Diebolt, C., Rijpma, A., Carmichael, S., Dilli, S., Störmer, C. (Eds.). Cliometrics of the Family. Studies in Economic History Series, Springer Cham (pp. 305-332).